Recent and Forthcoming Events

Stall at Ocean Terminal - 12th-15th December 2024.
If anyone is within easy reach of Ocean Terminal shopping centre in Leith in the next four days you would be very welcome to look by at our ACTSA Scotland and NMSMF stall on the ground floor near the main entrance. It's a small market, with "rustic-style" stalls with limited capacity, but I hope to be able to display our range of Christmas tree decorations from South Africa as well as some of our other stock and our basic information leaflets. It's a while since we had a public stall as opposed to ones at conferences and events. I expect it to be less busy and less spacious but also less Arctic than the gazebos in the city centre, where the same organisers have their main event. Best wishes for the coming festive season. - John Nelson

Due to the recent public health situation, almost all events were suspended, cancelled or in limbo during this period. A few are transferred online.  More information will be posted when this situation changes.
In the absence of most of our public stalls, some books and Mandela-related material can be found online at

8th Jan., 2022 110th anniversary of the foundation of the African National Congress of South Africa

4th Feb., 2022 25th annniversary of South Africa's new constitution coming into force

4th - 6th March, 2022 Stall at Scottish Labour Party Conference, Glasgow (Covid permitting) 24th April, 2022 Glasgow Kiltwalk

25th - 27th April, 2022 Stall at Scottish Trades Union Congress, Covid permitting.

29th May, 2022 Aberdeen Kiltwalk

18th July, 2022 Nelson Mandela International Day

Aug. 2022 Stall at Fair Trade on the Fringe, Castle St., Edinburgh.

21st Aug., 2022> Dundee Kiltwalk

18th Sept., 2022 Edinburgh Kiltwalk

7 - 9th Oct., 2022 Virtual Kiltwalk - individual activity and location as chosen by each participant.

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